How To Set Yourself Free And Live Your Dream!
By Fani Stipkovic.

How To Gain The Right Level Of Self-Confidence?
By Fani Stipkovic.

Don’t Try To Be Someone Else. Be You!
By Fani Stipkovic.

6 Ways To Liberate Yourself From Toxic Habits!
By Fani Stipkovic.

How To Take Back Your Power!
By Fani Stipkovic.

Why You Should Stop Being A ‘People Pleaser’
By Fani Stipkovic.

5 Great Steps To Overcome Doubt
By Fani Stipkovic.

My Morning Routine.
By Fani Stipkovic.

How To Drop Your Ego With Five Techniques.
By Fani Stipkovic.

What actually is success?
By Fani Stipkovic.
4 Things Be A Skilled Journalist Revealed By Professionals
There is no mystery that expertise comes with age, practice, and dedication. No matter what job you are going to do or you’re already doing, the fact is that you can’t consider yourself expert until you build self-awareness of your professional role and a deep understanding of your tasks. And that comes after some time,…
How To Set Yourself Free And Live Your Dream!
I often love to start the day reading inspiring messages that lift me up enough to go full speed ahead and start my day off with a bang. However, only once, I read something that made the blood in my veins freeze instantly. When I read this quote, my whole life flew past me. It…
How to gain the right level of self-confidence?
I always say, there are two kinds of people. People who dwell about what they could have done better yesterday, the mistakes have they made, or how by making different choices their life would be so much better. Those are the people who live in the past or in the future, missing the golden opportunity…
Don’t Try To Be Someone Else. Be You!
Every now and again we all identity crisis when we start questioning ourselves, our confidence & decisions, thinking we’re not enough, letting the doubt creep in and comparing ourselves to others. It is after all only human to experience difficulties when becoming the person we are meant to be, and removing all the ‘masks’ we…
6 Ways To Liberate Yourself From Toxic Habits!
We’ve all been in situations where it feels as if your life is on replay, as if you were in a time loop. Things are happening, events are exchanging but somehow its all the same experiences day after day… Monotonous. Different situations yet the same outcome. When this occurs it often takes a lot of…
How To Take Back Your Power!
If only my relationship could work, I would be so happy, that’s the only thing that is missing in my life. If only I had that dream job, my life would be amazing. If only I had more money, everything would be so different. Sound familiar? We’ve all been in situations where we have put…
Why You Should Stop Being A ‘People Pleaser’
At one point or another we all find ourselves in situations where we are tired of saying ‘yes’ to others, and for once would like to say ‘yes’ to ourselves. When its time to regain the confidence and to move away from a life of being a slave to the good opinion of others, where…
Five Great Steps To Overcome Doubt
Most of the times that we get stuck in life, and our progress and opportunities plateau are times we are being controlled by our own doubts. These doubts predominantly occur while trying to accomplish a mission called ‘life success’, where we are trying to fulfil ourselves in either business, private or spiritual realm. It’s normal…
My Morning Routine
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? If you start your day roids-uk.com happy and joyful, there is a greater chance your day will be more productive and you will attract amazing energy. I think how one stars their day and the first things they do in the morning…
How To Drop Your Ego With Five Techniques.
It’s difficult to find anyone that’s immune to the happiness of a child’s smile, the innocence of child’s mind or the freedom of their honesty. It’s liberating to see them get lost in something they’re passionate about. I’ve found that the freedom of losing oneself is something a lot of people avoid once they reach…